Actions taken to date
- Speed Watch volunteers received ICBC training
- Delivering seasonal public education campaigns regarding distracted driving, speeding and more.
- Presenting on traffic safety to high school students
- Provincial initiatives for Counter Attack
- Providing a constant presence for school zones
- Providing enhanced enforcement to support areas of concern, such as Keating Flyover construction and safe detour routes
- Purchased additional laser units for speed enforcement
- Delivering proactive patrol initiatives for Counter Attack to target impaired driving
- Participate on Traffic Safety Committee with the District of Central Saanich
- Increased traffic-related training for new hires
- Partnered with Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) and Integrated Road Safety Units (IRSU) for extra enforcement at Keating Flyover
- Partnership with District of Central Saanich on review of applications for community events and races to ensure appropriate safety plans
- Participation on District’s Traffic Safety Committee
- Continue review of road signage and speed limits in conjunction with District staff